


Yaese town

Adventure Tourism in Okinawa! Part 2: Sea kayaking and making microplastic key chains

contributor NPO法人 自然体験学校

所在地: 沖縄県島尻郡八重瀬町具志頭

沖縄南部にあるNPO法人自然体験学校です。地域の資源を生かした各種体験プログラムを実施しています!沖縄の海・自然・文化・歴史、全ての体験をご用意してお待ちしております ~第16回エコツーリズム大賞で優秀賞を受賞しました~


Hello! This is the Nature Experience School. This is a notice from Okinawa.

Last year, through the Ministry of the Environment’s project to promote the attraction of visitors to national parks, our organization developed an adventure tourism program at the Okinawa Battle Site National Monument. We even prepared a brochure.


Adventure tourism in Okinawa

Previously, I explained about “A Walk on the Ocean and Kucha Soap Making in a Historic Red-Tiled Old House” so this time I will introduce…


“Sea kayaking and making microplastic key chains”. This experience is designed to create awareness about marine garbage and environmental issues through the ocean of Okinawa.

Sea kayaking in coral reefs.

Let’s enjoy the waters of Okinawa by kayaking! Since the experience is carried out in calm waters surrounded by coral reefs, even beginners can enjoy it relaxingly. You will be in a small group, so there is no need to adjust to the pace of others. Before getting into a kayak, you will get to practice how to paddle.

This is an unspoiled sea that has become rare in the central and southern parts of Okinawa Island. You can see coral and tropical fish from the shallows. There is no need to swim, so you won’t get wet all over. Also, since the kayak is for two people, it’s a great way for families, couples, and friends to make memories together!

Beach Cleanup to Protect the Ocean

Because it is a pristine beach, unfortunately, there is a lot of garbage from all over the world is thrown. To preserve the beautiful ocean I experienced while kayaking for the future, it is essential to take action against ocean trash. Rather than just picking up trash, the guide will explain “how to reduce ocean trash” and clean the beach while keeping in mind the participants.

Microplastic Keychain

This stylish key chain is made by arranging “microplastics” taken from the sand of the sea in Okinawa. Microplastics are plastics that have shrunk to less than 5mm. It is said that plastic garbage such as PET bottles that drift in the ocean and get tossed around by the waves become microplastics and enter the human body.

This is the plastic that was removed from the sand. You can make it into a key chain and take it home as a souvenir of your participation in the experience. We hope that it can be used as a reminder to share what you have learned through the experience with others.


“Sea kayaking and microplastic key chains” is a great way to experience the ocean’s beauty. It is not only “beautiful!” and “fun!”, but it also allows you to think and learn, which has never been seen in Okinawa before. It is also recommended to learn the basics of ecotourism and SDGs. Last year, when we recruited participants for this program for elementary school children and their parents in the southern part of Okinawa, there was a waiting list of about 300 families, indicating the high level of interest in ocean trash polluting our ocean.

For inquiries and reservations, please contact NPO Nature Experience School at

沖縄南部にあるNPO法人自然体験学校です。地域の資源を生かした各種体験プログラムを実施しています!沖縄の海・自然・文化・歴史、全ての体験をご用意してお待ちしております ~第16回エコツーリズム大賞で優秀賞を受賞しました~
