


Urasoe city

Would you like to visit Urasoe City on a share cycle?

contributor 一般社団法人 浦添市観光協会

所在地: 沖縄県浦添市

沖縄県の浦添市観光協会です。那覇市の北に隣接し(那覇空港🛬から15分)、琉球王朝発祥の地で歴史・文化も豊かです。人気のスポット 港川ステイツサイドタウンには美味しいスイーツとパン、カフェがたくさん。 東京ヤクルトスワローズ⚾春季(2月)キャンプ地。 沖縄を旅する際は、ちょっと寄り道はいかがでしょうか。 お待ちしています🙌✨


Share Cycle starts in Urasoe City!


Would you like to travel around Urasou City on a share bicycle?

Not only shopping and sightseeing around the neighborhood, but also explore the city of  Urasoe !

Since the bicycles are equipped with an electric motor, you can move up on slopes easily.

Share cycle rental stations are located in various parts of Urasoe city.

Feel free to give it a try!


How to Use


-Download the app

Download the app and you can check the location of the rental station of the share cycle.

Please make reservation for the share cycle from the app.

The app can be downloaded from the QR code or by searching for “Hello Cycling” on the app store or WEB.



Rental reservation method

Please make a rental reservation from the app and rent it at the designated station.

You can also check the battery level etc. in the app.

HELLO CYCLING stations can be rented and returned even outside the city.



Usage fee

Payment can be made by various credit cards and electronic money. Payment is possible within the app.

・ 80 yen every 15 minutes (eg. 320 yen per hour)

・ 12 hours for 1,000 yen



How to use

If you would like to know more , please click here.


Cycling map distribution started!

We made a cycling map the match the start of the share cycle.

It is a very convenient  because the nearest bus stops and stations to rental stations in Urasoe city are all written on the map.

You can find the map at tourist attractions, facilities, hotels, etc. in Urasoe city.

You can download the map below and enjoy your cycle.




沖縄県の浦添市観光協会です。那覇市の北に隣接し(那覇空港🛬から15分)、琉球王朝発祥の地で歴史・文化も豊かです。人気のスポット 港川ステイツサイドタウンには美味しいスイーツとパン、カフェがたくさん。 東京ヤクルトスワローズ⚾春季(2月)キャンプ地。 沖縄を旅する際は、ちょっと寄り道はいかがでしょうか。 お待ちしています🙌✨
