① 東京マウンテンツアーズのTOKYO SDGs体験ツアーとして奥多摩のわさび田再生プロジェクト(7月、11月、12月の計3回)
② 東京都奥多摩都民の森の奥多摩アウトドア体験での合同サイクリングツアーイベント
③ 奥多摩むかし道&奥多摩湖ツアー、渓谷&滝巡りツアー、わさび田体験ツアー、サイクルイングリッシュツアーの常時催行
① 奥多摩リバークリーンへの参加
② 週末の無料ウォーキングツアーの実施
After two years of the Corona disaster in 2020, the reopening for 2021 was later than usual, starting on 3 April, then we were closed from 12 May to 21 June, so the impact of the Corona disaster was unavoidable.
However, as in previous years, many visitors came up to Okutama&Ome from the city centre and Tama area, partly because Okutama&Ome is located in Tokyo. Many of them were surprised to know that there is so much nature in Tokyo, and we hope that they found Okutama&Ome attractive again.
As for Trekking, we aimed to enhance our cycling tours even more than last year.
Which included:
(1) Tokyo Mountain Tours’ TOKYO SDGs Experience Tour, is a project to restore wasabi fields in Okutama (Which was held three times in July, November and December)
(2) Joint cycling tour events in the Okutama Outdoor Experience of the Okutama’s ‘Tomin no Mori’.
(Cancelled in April and July due to coronavirus. But held in November)
(3) Continued to organize the Okutama Historical Road & Lake Okutama Tour, the Gorge & Waterfall Tour, the Wasabi Field Experience Tour and the Cycle English Tour.
As a new initiative, we will
(1) Take part in the Okutama River Clean-up volunteer group.
2) Run free walking tours on weekends.
We were also featured on the TV programme “Hirunandesu!”
Although we were late in reopening this year and had to close for a period of time, we were able to carry out a number of projects and it was a very productive year for all of us.
We hope to be back in business next year when the weather warms up. We will let you know as soon as we know.