ASEANでの地方創生に繋がるコミュニティ開発事業を行う、Liiily Asia inc.(所在地:ベトナム・ホーチミン市、CEO:稲葉健人)は、人口流出が著しい地方のリアルな声を届けるメディア「Root of…」の提供を開始します。
「Root of…」URL: https://liiilyasia.com
It is not our intention to create drastic changes to food or agricultural practices.
Our aim is to continue creating sustainable “places” where food is produced and “communities” where agricultural products are produced.Essentially, agricultural products should not lose their value if they are considered to be the best products.It is necessary for agricultural products to maintain their values or to increase them while retaining their natural form.
When uniform agriculture and inexpensive agricultural products produced for the purpose of mass production become the norm, the local ecosystem, cultivation methods, food culture, and family and community connections that have been passed down from generation to generation may be lost. It is almost impossible to regain what has been lost.
■「Root of…」にかける思い
We are here to open your eyes about the beautifulness and pride of people who are “doing” food by transforming your understanding of “food”, or, reframe the concept of “food”. Through this website, we would like to convey the fundamental form of food-related activities that include production areas and consumers, which create the communities we aspire to.
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Facebook 「Root of…」URL: https://www.facebook.com/Root.of.en
Twitter「Root of…」URL: https://twitter.com/Root___of
Liiiy Asia inc. CEO 稲葉健人
「Root of…」URL: https://liiilyasia.com
本件に関するお問い合わせ: info@liiilyasia.com